'n as ne other person had hrd all these scary stories of how things can go horribly long....'n in the end, the need overcame my hesitance so i plunged in.... 'n it was so easy!!!!!
or was i just plain lucky? :)
Neways it did take lot of time on a 4G RAM m/c....so on low end m/cs you can just imagine how much longer it will take....
Well here are the steps i followed -
1. Install kernel-sources and kernel-syms
2. copy .config and Modules.symvers from /usr/src/linux-obj/
(Note: on my 10.2 system this was already achieved with symlinks. I simply cd to /usr/src/linux and continued with the following commands)
3. make oldconfig
4. make menuconfig, select the usbfs (found in Device Drivers > USB Support > USB device filesystem)
5. make modules && make modules_install (have a cuppa - takes a while to complete)
6. change noauto to auto for the usbfs in fstab
7. reboot
8. ta-da
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